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瑞达期货责任编辑:宋鹏年销量下滑近31%,卖光了资产的一汽夏利如何被救赎?新京报讯(记者 王琳琳)1月9日,天津一汽夏利汽车股份有限公司(简称“一汽夏利”)披露了2018年12月的产销数据。数据显示,在夏利系列停产、停销的情况下,2018年全年一汽夏利累计销量为18791辆,同比下滑30.57%;尽管骏派系列销量有所微增,但一汽夏利想要靠汽车销售盈利恐怕难以实现。




ETH原文:The arbitration panel shall consist of one arbitrator only, unless the ICC Court of Arbitration determines that the dispute is such as to warrant three arbitrators. If the Court determines that one arbitrator is sufficient, then such arbitrator shall be selected from Switzerland. If the Court determines that three arbitrators are necessary, then each party shall have 30 days to nominate an arbitrator of its choice -- in the case of the Claimant, measured from receipt of notification of the ICC Court’s decision to have three arbitrators; in the case of Respondent, measured from receipt of notification of Claimant’s nomination. All nominations must be from Switzerland. If a party fails to nominate an arbitrator, the Court will do so. The Court shall also appoint the chairman.
